Our Bespoke Sleep Solutions

Tailored to you and your children, we will help find the right package to suit your needs

Find the right package for you

  • Sleep Insight


    Perfect for those wanting to know what lies ahead and how to prepare. Also, a great option to discuss specific concerns or issues.

    Your Consultation

    A 1-hour call dedicated to you, your family and your child. An opportunity to understand infant sleep and to go through any specific concerns or questions.

    Sleep Guidance

    Reassuring guidance and a toolbox of options on what to do. Insight on the best solutions for your family.

  • Sleep Support


    The best option for those with infants over 6 months. You set your sleep goals. We will do a comprehensive review of your current situation, create a sleep plan and support you to make any changes.

    Detailed Assessment

    Understanding your specific and current sleep situation will allow us to tailor the best plan for the whole family.

    Your Consultation

    A 90 minute call dedicated to you, your family and your child. We will go through infant sleep (empowering you with problem solving knowledge), explore together the sleep plan ensuring it follows your parenting values and discuss any questions or concerns.

    Guidance & Review Check-ins

    Six - 20 minute support calls to keep the sleep plan on track whilst also gaining a toolbox of strategies to confidently navigate your child’s sleep challenges.

  • Sleep Extra


    This is the Sleep Support package with extended support for those who want extra help. Provided on a first come first serve basis as there is limited availability.

    Enhanced Sleep Support

    This package includes everything in the Sleep Plan package,

    • Detailed Assessment

    • 90 minute consultation

    • 6 x 20 minute support calls, plus…

    Extra Support

    Extra support by emails and/or messaging between support calls

    Four Months Continued Support

    When the goal posts move after the sleep plan, you will still have continued support for an additional four months.

 First, Let’s Have A Chat

We understand that it is so important to find the right consultant for you. That’s why we offer a free 15-minute introductory call before starting any of our packages so we can talk through what's happening for you and your family, ensure we are the right fit, and make sure we find the right package for you.

 Our Beliefs

Precious Little Bunnies is focussed on educating parent's on sleep and on building attachment between parents and children. What this means in practice is that our advice is focussed around three core principles:

  • Ensuring parents are getting their needs met

    You need to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help your children with theirs.

  • Setting firm & consistent boundaries

    Children crave predictability and boundaries, they feel safest when they are able to challenge those boundaries and find them consistently in tact.

  • Maintaining connection with your child

    Trying to understand why a child is doing something can ultimately help us to work with them rather than against them.

Young childs hand being supported in the palm of their parent

Your questions, answered

+ How do our values affect the approach to sleep?

We will never ask you to leave your little one to cry it out on their own. For some people controlled crying is effective. The fact you are here suggests you have either tried it and it didn't work for you or you know already it's not for you. Either reason is valid, there is no judgement here. We offer alternatives that you will be able to apply consistently because it's in line with your values and doesn't risk affecting connection. We believe you can meet your needs and objectives without compromising your little one's needs, and by setting firm and consistent boundaries around wants. For example, a child may need you to be in the room and feel anxious when you leave, however they do not need you to be rubbing their back whilst hoping on one leg. We work at a pace which you are comfortable with. You are in charge of how quickly you want to make changes, and we will give you the tools with which to effectively make those changes.

+ Does this mean there will be no crying?

No. Sometimes changes can be made without a tear being shed and other times there is crying. A lot of the response is dependent on your child's personality, some children will naturally protest more than others and some children will find change harder than others.

+ If there is crying, how is this gentle?

You will be able to support your little one as needed.

+ Why don't you do home visits?

Because we will give you the tools, knowledge and confidence to solve any sleep problems.