Privacy Policy

  1. I will only use your personal data when legally permitted. The most common uses of your personal data are: to perform the contract between us, when it is necessary in our legitimate interests and to comply with a legal obligation. 

  2. During contacts by phone, text, messenger, email, via the website, social media and face to face, I will collect and record personal information about you and your child. This information will include medical information relevant to the issue you are seeking my support with. I may use your contact information to contact you at a later date for the purposes of follow up, audit and research. I will handle your data in accordance with the requirements of GDPR and in accordance with my obligations as a data-controller. Whilst steps are taken to ensure your information is secure, communications by text, email, messenger, social media and my website may not be secure so keep this in mind when using these methods.

  3. My records, which will contain your personal/medical information and that of your child, including summaries of our conversations and copies of emails, are stored on electronic devices which are password protected and have security software installed. 

  4. The restrictions above shall cease to apply to any information or knowledge to the extent that:
    4.1 it comes within the public domain other than through a breach of this Agreement or
    4.2 is required or requested to be divulged by any court, tribunal or governmental authority with competent jurisdiction;
    4.3 if required by law if I have a safeguarding concern and/or believe someone may be harmed.
    4.4 In the unlikely event that you are not happy with how I collect and use your data, in the first instance, please contact me so that I can try to resolve it for you. If there is no resolution, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (
    4.5 Unless you advise that you do not consent, if you send a message, on any platform, updating me on the progress you are making, I may share this via my social media channels. You will not be identifiable if your correspondence is used in this way.