About Katie

Welcome! Here’s a bit about me

As a mum of three, I am passionate about sleep; my children’s sleep, my own sleep and my client’s sleep. Parenting, whilst wonderful and rewarding, is exhausting enough without adding sleeplessness into the mix. Everyone expects to be tired in those early months, what I wasn’t prepared for was the number of changes and developments in children’s early years and the impact this has on their sleep needs

I read as many books as I could get my hands on about sleep and I’m all about following the latest evidence-based research. These books and plans were fantastic with my first child, but hopeless for my second. One child needed a rigid routine as he was impossible to read when he was tired, the other child defied all the norms for his age with the pattern he preferred. When I tried to follow the book’s advice with him it resulted in a tired and upset baby.

The problem with books and general sleep plans, is that each child is unique with different needs. The experience I had with my two children was a big driver in my decision to retrain as a child sleep consultant as I could see the real benefits that personalised help could provide.

I started my career in the city as a qualified accountant, and when faced with difficulties I would just work harder to overcome them. Parenting really isn’t like that, and so I do understand the frustration of not being able to think or study your way out of sleep challenges.

My retraining started with a masters in psychology, which has been invaluable (particularly having focused my study on child development) as it underpins a lot of the sleep drivers and work of a sleep consultant. To specialise as a sleep consultant I took the leading recognised course – the Holistic Sleep Course (which is OCN level 6 accredited) and have subsequently become a full member of The International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). In doing this I have gained a wealth of practical information and strategies to sit alongside my academic experience.

At the core of my practice, I believe it is incredibly important to work with the child as an individual. I recognise that each child is unique, as is your situation. I’m here to support you. I believe you are the expert in your child, as you know them best. I see my role to facilitate and focus your decisions by providing tailored information from my experience and training on children’s sleep and development. My aim is to give you the ability to make confident decisions to take steps you are comfortable with and – most importantly – in a way that is gentle on your child. I do not advocate leaving children to “cry it out” alone, but will work at a pace which you are happy with.

I understand that it can be daunting to ask for help. If you are like me, you might think that asking for help means you have failed; but that is simply not true!! None of us are perfect and noone knows everything. Real strength is found in those who say “help me”. I’m here to help and I look forward to working with you.

Katie Venn

Katie Venn, founder of Precious Little Bunnies
Katie Venn smiling at her child and holding his hand

I am proud to be a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants, the Association of Birth and Baby Professionals and the International Pediatric Sleep Association.

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